
We are moving to a Kanban-style workflow for all enterprise teams rather than sprints. This document outlines that process.

Card colors

Hex Color JQL Departments Used By
#bf9c1e $\color{#BF9C1E}\colorbox{#BF9C1E}{COLOR}$ labels IN (Sent-to-Client, Client-Review, Client-Feedback-Needed) Data, Dev, Dep, CRM, Bv2
#09cce6 $\color{#09CCE6}\colorbox{#09CCE6}{COLOR}$ labels IN (On-hold, Blocked-By-Ticket) Data, Dev, Dep, CRM, Bv2
#5c12e6 $\color{#5C12E6}\colorbox{#5C12E6}{COLOR}$ labels = More-Info-Added Data, Dev, Dep, CRM, Bv2
#f740ae $\color{#F740AE}\colorbox{#F740AE}{COLOR}$ labels = Code-Review Data, Dev
#00ff6f $\color{#00ff6f}\colorbox{#00ff6f}{COLOR}$ labels = Status-Completed and status = "In QA on Live" Data, Dev, Dep, CRM, Bv2
#008000 $\color{#008000}\colorbox{#008000}{COLOR}$ labels = Status-Completed Data, Dev, Dep, CRM, Bv2
#ff0000 $\color{#ff0000}\colorbox{#ff0000}{COLOR}$ labels = QA-Feedback Data, Dev, Dep, CRM, Bv2
#0000ff $\color{#0000ff}\colorbox{#0000ff}{COLOR}$ labels = Estimated Data, Dev, Dep, CRM, Bv2
#ffff00 $\color{#ffff00}\colorbox{#ffff00}{COLOR}$ labels = More-Info Data, Dev, Dep, CRM, Bv2
#ffa600 $\color{#ffa600}\colorbox{#ffa600}{COLOR}$ labels = Data-Processing Data, Bv2
#aa34c7 $\color{#aa34c7}\colorbox{#aa34c7}{COLOR}$ status = "In Progress" AND label in ("data-processing", "Data-Processing") AND updated > 2days Data

Creating Tickets (PM’s)

This process will remain the same. When creating a ticket please take the following steps:

  1. Title the ticket
  2. Write the ticket description
  3. Set the component (i.e. Deployment)
  4. Set the department (Maintenance)
  5. Set the billing distribution (i.e. Front End)
  6. Save the ticket
  7. Set the ticket’s status to Ticket Review

Reviewing/moving tickets in the backlog (Dev Leads & PM’s)

We will use the same backlog boards for reviewing tickets:

Dep - https://booj.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=183&useStoredSettings=true

Dev - https://booj.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=186&quickFilter=755